Prof. Dr. Erwin Suess

Prof. Dr. Erwin Suess
Leibniz Research Center for Marine Geosciences Kiel
Director KDM German Marine Research Consortium Berlin
Resarch Focus
Production, decomposition, and burial of organic material in the ocean
Reconstruction of ocean productivity and convergent margin tectonics
Gas hydrates in the Earth’s system
Volatile recycling through subduction zones
Subduction zone earthquakes and tsunami generation
Selected Publications
Suess, E., G. Bohrmann, J. Greinert, and E. Lausch, 1999. Le méthane dans les océans. (French edition). Pour la Science, 264: 80-89.
Suess, E., G. Bohrmann, J. Greinert, and E. Lausch, 2000. Flammable ice. (Japanese edition). Nikkei Science, 3: 74-89.
Suess, E., M. E. Torres, G. Bohrmann, R. W. Colliet, D. Rickert, C. Goldfinger, P. Linke, A. Heuser, H. Sahling, K. Heeschen, C. Jung, K. Nakamura, J. Greinert, O. Pfannkuche, A. Trehu, G. Klinkhammer, M. J. Whiticar, A. Eisenhauer, B. Teichert, and M. Elvert, 2001. Sea floor methane hydrates at Hydrate Ridge, Cascadia Margin. In: C. Paull and W. Dillon (eds.) Natural Gas Hydrates: Occurrence, Distribution, and Detection, Washington, American Geophysical Union, Monograph Series 124: 87-98.
Karpen, V., Thomsen, L., and Suess, E. (2003). A new “schlieren” technique application for fluid flow visualization at cold seep sites. Marine Geology, 3442: pp. 15.
Johnson, J. E., Goldfinger, C., and Suess, E. (2003). Geophysical constraints on the surface distribution of authigenic carbonates across the Hydrate Ridge region, Cascadia margin. Marine Geology, 202: 79-120.
Boetius, A., and Suess, E. (2004). Hydrate Ridge: A natural laboratory for the study of microbial life fueled by methane from near-surface gas hydrates. Chemical Geology Special issue: Geomicrobiology and Biogeochemistry fo Gas Hydrates and Hydrocarbon Seeps: Guest editors: C. Zhang and B. Lanoil, Chemical Geology, 205: 291-310.
Hensen, C., Wallmann, K. Schmid. M., Ranero, C. R., and Suess, E. (2004). Fluid expulsion related to mud extrusion off Costa Rica. A window to the subduction slab. Geology, 32 (2): 201-204.
Special Offer
Coordination: Ocean and Seafloor Instrumentation
Indonesian-German Tsunami Early Warning System
Gas Hydrates in the Earth’s System: a German Geotechnology Initiative
Natural gas hydrates occur globally in marine sediments, in permafrost regions and in the continental ice sheets. Gas hydrates are ice-like solid compounds whereby water molecules trap molecules of natural gases, mostly methane. The largest hydrate deposits are found offshore along continental margins. Research on natural methane hydrates is currently a topic of world wide interest. A long-term initiative funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research, several highlights of which will be presented, addresses:
(1) The controls on methane fluxes and their climate relevance in marine gas hydrate environments; (2) the methane and hydrate turnover by microbial metabolism; (3) the quantification and behaviour of gas hydrate reservoirs in selected structuraltectonic settings; and (4) the geotechnical and physical properties of experimental and natural gas-water-hydrate systems.