Prof. Dr. Ulrich Stimming

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Stimming
Technical University Munich – Physics Department E 19 (Interfaces and Energy Conversion)
Board Member of the Bavarian Center for Applied Energy Research
Fuel Cells: State of the Art and Future Developments
Fuel cells are considered efficient energy conversion units that allow a high conversion efficiency of primary energy or its derivatives into electricity. From the different types of fuel cells an emphasis on three types has emerged over the past years: the low temperature Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) with an operating temperature of around 100°C and the high temperature fuel cells Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell (MCFC) and the ceramic Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) at 650-1000°C. Possible applications range from large power plants over vehicle propulsion to residential and portable power generation.
While most fuel cells today run on hydrogen in test stations, widespread use during the next years will rely on the ability of the fuel cells to use existing fuel sources which are mostly hydrocarbons and alcohols. Although a “hydrogen economy“ is proposed today the availability of hydrogen is rather limited and for an efficient use of resources conversion processes of fuels should be avoided because of the associated losses. Examples will be given on the actual status of different fuel cells under these aspects. The necessary further development in fuel cells in order to match existing fuel resources at maximum overall efficiencies will be discussed.