Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg


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Prof. Dr. Alfred Endres

Prof. Dr. Alfred Endres, Hagen

Prof. Dr. Alfred Endres, Hagen

Prof. Dr. Alfred Endres

The FernUniversität/University of Hagen – Institute of Economic Theory
University of Witten/Herdecke – Chair of Environmental Economics
Member of the Swiss National Competence Center in Climate Research


Research Focus

Economic Theory and Analysis of International Environmental Negotiations (Parts of this research have been sponsored by grants of the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Volkswagen-Foundation.)

Comparative Economic Analysis of German,  Foreign, and International  Environmental Law  (Parts of this research are carried on jointly with Professor Dr. Knut Richter, Viadrina University at Frankfurt/Oder, Germany and Professor Dr. Nadeshda Pachomova, University of St. Petersburg, Russia, and have been sponsored by a grant of the Volkswagen-Foundation.)

Environmental Liability Law and Induced Technical Change

Selected Publications

Introducing "Cooperative Push": How Inefficient Environmental Policy (Sometimes!) Protects the Global Commons Better, Public Choice, Vol. 111 (2002), pp. 285-302.

Quotas May Beat Taxes in a Global Emission Game, International Tax and Public Finance, Vol. 9 (2002), pp. 687-707.

International Environmental Cooperation with Risk Aversion, International Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol. 6 (2003), pp. 378-392.

Game Theory and Global Environmental Policy, Poiesis & Praxis, International Journal of Ethics of Science and Technology Assessment, Vol. 3 (2004), pp. 123-139.

Kyoto Europe? - An Economic Evaluation of the European Emission Trading Directive, European Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 19 (2005), pp. 17-39.

Special Offer

In the first week of July 2006 Professor Endres will attend the 3rd World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists to be held in Kyoto/Japan.
In the subsequent week it will be technically particularly easy to arrange seminars, paper presentations etc. with Professor Endres at Japanese Universities and other research institutions.




Economic Valuation of the Environment

Environmental resources are necessary elements of the human life support system. Moreover, it is argued that they carry value which does not depend on human use. Therefore, economic valuation of the environment is highly controversial. On the other hand, internalization of externalities is generally endorsed in the ecological discussion and monetary valuation is a prerequisite of internalization.
Economic theory generates a set of methods for valuation. To improve these methods and to develop a profile of the circumstances under which they may be applied is an important task of economic research.
Economic values crucially depend upon the preferences of the involved parties. Therefore, these values contain subjective elements and may change over time. Still, economic valuation of the environment may serve as a useful tool in environmental policy.

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