Prof. Dr. Eckard Rehbinder

Prof. Dr. Eckard Rehbinder
Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt – Research Center for Environmental Law
Formerly Chair of the German Advisory Council on Environment
Secretary General of the International Court of Environmental Arbitration and Conciliation
Research Focus
General environmental law
Economic and soft instruments
Environmental liability;
Regulation of toxic substances
Conservation of nature law and agriculture
Selected Publications
Environmental Protection Policy. In: M. Cappelletti, M.Seccombe, J. Weiler (eds)., Integration Through Law. Europe and the American Federal Experience.Vol. 2. Berlin, New York 1985 (together with R. Stewart)
Environmental Agreements - a New Instrument of Environmental Policy, Envt'l Pol. & Law 1997, 258-269
Defining Environmental Goals - Reason, Limits and Implementation Instruments, in: R. Dolzer and J. Thesing (eds.), Protecting Our Environment (2000), pp. 375-421
Legal Protection of Environmental Rights: The Role and Experience of the International Court of Environmental Arbitration and Conciliation, Environmental Policy and Law 2001, 282-293 (together with Demetrio Loperena)
Low Dose Exposures in the Environment. Dose-Effect Relations and Risk Evaluation, 2004 (together with C. Streffer u.a.)
Legal Aspects of Distributional Justice in Protecting the Environment
Environmental policy raises various legal questions of distributional justice. The geographical (and social) distribution of environmental quality has been neglected in Germany. After a survey of empirical research environmental and planning laws and general principles are analysed as to their contribution to achieving geographical environmental justice. Moreover, the relationship between equality and justice and the relevance of environmental justice in the decision-making process are discussed. As to the distribution of benefits and costs of environmental regulation German constitutional law possesses a developed system of evaluation criteria. Intergenerational justice has entered into the Constitution and numerous environmental and planning laws through “sustainability clauses”, although this still remains somewhat symbolic.