Prof. Dr. Gerd Winter

Prof. Dr. Gerd Winter
University of Bremen – Director of the Research Centre for European Environmental Law
Member of the German National Committee on Global Change Research
Research Focus
German Environmental Law
EU Environmental Law
Relationships and Interactions between Environmental Law and Business Law
Cooperation with other disciplines, mainly with natural scientists, sociologists and economists
Comparative Environmental Law
Theoretical and applied science
Legal Advice
Selected Publications
Winter, Gerd (Hg.), Risk Assessment and Risk Management of Toxic Chemicals in the European Community, Baden-Baden 2000
Winter, Gerd, Constitutionalising Environmental Protection in the European Union, in: H. Somsen(ed.), Yearbook of European Environmental Law, Vol. 2, 2002, 67 - 88
Winter, Gerd, Environmental Principles in Community Law, in: Jans, Jan H. (ed.), The European Convention and the Future of European Environmental Law. Proceedings of the Avosetta Group of European Environmental Lawyers, Amsterdam 2003, S. 3 - 25
Winter, Gerd, Wagenknecht, Nils, Multiple Use of Test Evidence under EC Chemicals Legislation and EC Basic Rights: is there Intellectual Property in Administrative Information? in: RECIEL 12/2003, S. 69 - 83
Winter, Gerd, The GATT and Environmental Protection: Problems of Construction, in: Journal of Environmental Law, Vol. 15, No 2 / 2003, S. 113 -140
Winter, Gerd, Problems associated with the transposition of European nature protection law into national law, in: Lambers, Kess et al. (Hrsg.), Trilateral or European Protection of the Wadden Sea? Den Haag 2003, S. 157 - 165
Winter, Gerd, The Legal Nature of Environmental Principles in International, EC and German Law, in: Scholasticus - Journal of National Law University, Jodhpur 2004, S. 77 -101
Dangerous Chemicals – a Global Problem on its Way to Global Governance
Toxic chemicals are a global environmental burden. The regulatory problem involved is to generate knowledge for risk assessment and establish structures for risk management. Solutions have for long been tried on national and – in the European case – regional levels. The regulatory approaches adopted by the centers of chemicals production vary: The Japanese approach is based on existing administrative knowledge, the US-American on data existing in industry, and the European on data sets to be generated by industry. In spite of such divergence the result – „toxic ignorance“ and inaction – has been about the same. In order to overcome the stalemate in the US industry has engaged itself in self-regulation whilst in the EU the REACh-system will try regulated self-regulation. However, importers fear to be discriminated and bring the WTO into play. In fact, risk assessment and management would fare better if the national systems were harmonised and the work-load was shared by them. Formal international solutions like the conventions of Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm have so far dealt but with the most serious shortcomings. However, transnational informal networks of national bureaucracies have emerged between states and international organisations which agree on rules and collect risk information. They could be a nucleus of a future more formalised global chemicals regime.