Prof. Dr. Bernd Meyer

Prof. Dr. Bernd Meyer
University of Osnabrück – Department of Economics
GWS mbH Osnabrück (Institute of Economic Structures Research
Formerly Chair of the Advisory Council on ‚Integrated Economic and Environmental Accounts’ of the Federal Ministry for the Environment
Research Focus
Economic- environmental modelling on the national and the global level.
Policy simulations on:
• material input,
• energy- and climate policy,
• land use.
Selected Publication
Lutz, C. / Meyer, B. / Nathani, C. / Schleich, J. (2005): Endogenous technological change and emissons: the case of the German steel industry. In: Energy Policy. Vol. 33/9, pp. 1143-1154
Bockermann, A. / Meyer, B. / Omann, I. / Spangenberg, J. H. (2005): Modelling sustainability comparing an econometric (PANTA RHEI) and a systems dynamic model (SuE). In: Journal of Policy Modeling. Forthcoming
Bach, S. / Kohlhaas, M. / Meyer, B. / Praetorius, B. / Welsch, H. (2002): The effects of environmental fiscal reform in Germany: a simulation study. In: Energy Policy, Vol. 30/9, July 2002, pp. 803-811.
Meyer, B. / Lutz, C. (2002): IO, macro-finance, and trade model specification. In: Uno, K. (ed.): Economy-Energy-Environment Simulation: Beyond the Kyoto Protocol. Dordrecht, Boston, London. Kluwer. pp. 55-68.
Meyer, B. (2001): CO2-Taxes, Growth, Labor Market Effects and Structural Change - An Empirical Analysis. In: Welfens, P.J.J. (Hrsg.): Internationalization of the Economy and Environmental Policy Options. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. Springer. pp.. 331-352.
Special Offer
Possible fields of cooperation:
joint project on material consumption, energy and land use for Japan
• national level,
• incorporated in the global model GINFORS.
経済環境モデルPANTA RHEIとその応用
本報告では、ドイツの経済発展と環境利用との関係を描いた実験評価モデルPANTA RHEIが提示される。同モデルは、政策代替案の評価のために、多くのプロジェクトで利用されている。
経済発展やエネルギー消費、原料の抽出、そして土地利用などの相互の依存関係は、いかにしてモデル化されるのか。モデル構造の包括的な議論では、この点が説明される。経済・社会・環境に関する主要な指標について、2030年まで現状のまま継続すると仮定したBAU予測によって、このモデルが、サスティナビリティ・ギャップに関する包括的合理的分析の複雑な情報を集約する能力を有していることが示される。個別的議論では、システムの相互依存性とPANTA RHEIモデルのキャパシティが、政策シミュレーションによって示される。
The Economic- Environmental Model PANTA RHEI and its Application
The paper presents the empirically evaluated model PANTA RHEI, which depicts the relations between the economic development and the use of the environment for Germany. The model has been used in many projects for the evaluation of policy alternatives.
A comprehensive discussion of the model structure shows, how in deep sectoral detail the interdependencies between the economic development, energy consumption, material extraction and land use are modelled. With a business-as-usual forecast until the year 2030 for the main economic, social and ecological indicators it can be demonstrated, that the model has the ability to concentrate complex information for a comprehensive and reasonable analysis of sustainability gaps. A policy simulation shows further the interdependency of all parts of the system and the capacity of the model to give answers to concrete questions.