Prof. Dr. Klaus Conrad

Prof. Dr. Klaus Conrad
University of Mannheim – Department of Economics
Chair of the DFG Research Training Group 488 – The Economics of the Environment and of Resources
Research Focus
Environmental Economics
Industrial Organization
Computable General
Equilibrium Models
Selected Publications
Computable General Equilibrium Models in Environmental and Resource. Economics, in: T. Tietenberg und H. Folmer (eds), The International Yearbook of Environmental and Resource Economics, 2002/03, 66-114, 2002.
Locational Competition under Environmental Regulation when Input Prices and Productivity Differ, erscheint in: The Annals of Regional Science, 2004.
Recycling of Eco-Taxes, Labor Marked Effects and the True Cost of Labor – A CGE Analysis, erscheint in: Journal of Applied Economics, 2004.
Price Competition and Product Differentiation when Consumers Care for the Environment, erscheint in: Environmental and Resource Economics, 2005.
Environmental Protection as an Instrument in the International Competition
Given the integration of the global markets and the competition within the European Community (EC) after the East European countries joined the EC, the continuation of an environmental policy that is subject to strict regulations, will have more significant effect on the competitiveness of Germany as an industrial location, compared to times when markets were hardly integrated. In the foreground of discussions are economic positive consequences of environmental regulation, particularly economic effects of building up an environmental technical industry. While on the one hand a conflict between protection of the environment and international competitiveness is suspected, there is, on the other hand, the opinion that with the help of a strict environmental policy, the standard of national enterprises’ performance can be improved. An open question is, to which extent environmentally related conditions are relevant for the quality of an industrial location and for international competitiveness and, in which way an improvement of international competitiveness is attainable by strict environmental regulation.