Prof. Dr. Peter Hennicke

Prof. Dr. Peter Hennicke
President of the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment, Energy
Member of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel of Global Environment Facility
Research Focus
Energy and Climate Mitigation Policies and Measure
Energy Scenarios and Energy Efficiency Technologie
Selected Publications
Bleischwitz, Raimund/ Hennicke, Peter (eds.): Eco-Efficiency, Regulation and Sustianable Business, Towards a Governance Structure for Sustainable Development, Cheltenham, 2004.
Fischedick, Manfred/ Hennicke, Peter: Scenarios for the Transition to a Sustainable and Climate Protecting Energy System in Germany, in: Environmental Information Science, Volume 33 (2004), No. 3, pp. 10-22.
Hennicke, Peter: Scenarios for a Robust Policy Mix, The Final Report of the German Study Commission on Sustainable Energy Supply, in: Energy Policy, Volume 32 (2004), No. 15, pp. 1673-1678.
Hennicke, Peter: The Economics of Climate Protection, in: International Review for Environmental Strategies, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 9-36.
Hennicke, Peter: The Economics of Climate Protection, in: Müller, Friedemann (Hrsg.): Sustainable Climate Protection Policies - Assessing the Costs and Benefits of completing the Kyoto Protocol, Berlin, (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik), 2000, pp. 173-213.
Special Offer
WI is open to visiting fellows and project cooperation. It cooperates with the Japanese Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), which is an accepted institute under the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) exchange program. Running projects on climate change policy, energy policy, scenario analysis, material flows, sustainable production and consumption, WI conducts comparative analysis towards sustainable development.
Resource Use and Sustainable Energy Systems: Challenges and Perspectives
Our environment has its natural limits and we are already using it excessively. The increase of energy and material efficiency is a necessary and fundamental condition to change the world-wide existing unsustainable trends. Our final goal is the absolute uncoupling of welfare and nature use and. It has been demonstrated by scenario analysis for the world and for country studies that it is feasible. We call it “Economy of Prevention”. Offering new incentive structures and using eco-efficient products and services means less nature consumption and higher creation of value. This new model of qualitative growth and progress will also allow the present developing countries and future generations to increase their standards of living in an adequate way without excessively burdening the environment.
If the unregulated discover process of competition and markets keeps on without fulfilling the basic material, energy, natural and social sustainable conditions, then it will sooner or later lead to a collision with nature’s limits and economic prosperity as well. Therefore competition and profit seeking should be used in a positive way as an instrument to find new solutions for sustainable development and to secure social welfare for future generations as well. Politics must set new rules and regulations for markets and enterprises. Taking Germany as a case study, the potentials to increase resource productivity and the relating economic benefits can be identified by scenario analysis.
It has to be analysed how new rules and programmes can change the use of energy and material in a more sustainable direction.