PD Dr. Helmut Weidner

PD Dr. Helmut Weidner
Social Science Research Center Berlin
Research Focus
Environmental Policy in Germany and Japan
Cross-National Analysis of Environmental Policy
Analysis of Environmental Success Cases
Environmental Capacity Building
Multi-Stakeholder Cooperation on Environmental Issues
Globalization of Environmental Policy
Environmental Governance
Selected Publications
(mit Martin Jänicke, unter Mitarbeit von Helge Jörgens) (Hg.), Capacity Building in National Environmental Policy. A Comparative Study of 17 Countries. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer 2002, 448 pages.
Environmental Policy and Politics in Germany. In: Uday Desai (Ed.), Environmental Politics and Policy in Industrialized Countries. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press 2002, S. 149-201.
Alternative Dispute Resolution in Environmental Conflicts - Experiences in 12 Countries, Berlin: edition sigma 1998, 465 pages
(mit Martin Jänicke) Successful Environmental Policy, Tokio: Yuhikaku 1998, 267 pages (gekürzte Übersetzung des englischen Readers von 1995 ins Japanische).
(mit Martin Jänicke) National Environmental Policies. A Comparative Study of Capacity-Building, Berlin: Springer Verlag 1997, 320 pages.
(mit Martin Jänicke) Successful Environmental Policy. A Critical Evaluation of 24 Cases, Berlin: edition sigma 1995, 411 pages.
Capacity Building for Ecological Modernization: an International Perspective
Since the 1970s environmental (technological, informational, cognitive, and institutional) capacities have been increasing on a global scale as findings of a cross-national study of 30 countries have shown. Japan and Germany have played a decisive role in fostering the process of global diffusion of progressive policies and instruments. It is noteworthy that globalization is not found to have a drastically negative effect as is often claimed. The ?gglobalization of environmental policy?h has rather supported this process. Worldwide, there is a strong tendency of environmental policy convergence, which, however, is not without problems due to the dominance of approaches from Western industrialized countries. Crucial for this development are ?gpioneer countries?h and international organizations, but increasingly also other actors, such as multinational corporations, epistemic communities and NGOs. However, there are still significant performance gaps due to both capacity overload and insufficient use of existing capacities.