Prof. Dr. Wolfram Mauser

Prof. Dr. Wolfram Mauser
Ludwig Maximilians University Munich – Faculty of Geosciences: Chair for Geography and Remote Sensing
Chairman of the German National Committee on Global Change Research
Monitoring and Modelling for an Integrated Watershed Management
Adequate supply of clean and affordable water is the key to development in most regions of the Globe. Future regional water crises will be triggered by a complex interplay of population increase, development and changes in climate. Sustainable management of water resources under these conditions of Global Change will therefore have to be based on support tools, which make the situation and possible decision alternatives transparent to stakeholders and at the same time support decision makers in finding optimal and sustainable water management solutions. These tools consist of simulation models, which model water flows in natural compartments like atmosphere, soils, snow, rivers and lakes as well as anthropogenic processes like water use, water supply, agriculture and economy. These models therefore integrate across a large range of disciplines and assimilate data from conventional networks as well as remote sensing satellite data to detect symptoms of changes and unsustainable development. Scenarios of future development are negotiated between the stakeholders and then simulated with these model tools. The German Ministry of Education and Research has initiated the research programme GLOWA (Global Change in the Water Cycle(, which aims at developing decision support tolls for different regions of the globe sensitive to Global Change water issues. The project GLOWA-Danube ( will be introduced in more detail. It treats the Upper Danube Watershed in the Northern Alpes. First results of GLOWA-Danube water balance calculations are presented.