Prof. Dr. Hartmut Grassl

Prof. Dr. Hartmut Grassl
University of Hamburg – Meteorological Institute, Director of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology Hamburg
Formerly Chairman of the German Advisory Council of Global Change
From Earth System Analysis to Policy-Relevant Information, to Policy Advice
Rapid progress in Earth system analysis and dominance of the Earth by homo sapiens have made basic environmental research results immediately policy-relevant. Clearly, sustainable development can no longer be reached without co-ordinated global change research programmes. Drawing from my experience as director of the World Climate Research Programme and as chairman of the German Scientific Advisory Council on Global Change I will outline scientific and institutional infrastructures needed for policy-advice on global change that allow a multilateral approach to the major global change issues, i.e. to sustainability. Best practise examples like the Montreal Protocol will be given as well as gaps in the assessment of policy-relevant information on global environmental change.