Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg


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PD Dr. Joachim Sanden

Prof. Sanden

Prof. Sanden

PD Dr. Joachim Sanden

University of Lüneburg – Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Chair Public Law, especially Energy and Environmental Law

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Research Focus

General Environmental Law
Soil Protection, Law, and Contaminated Sites
Energy Law
Economic Regulations
European Environmental Law
International Environmental Law

Selected Publications

Developing the federal structures of the Federal Republic of Germany - Study in Constitutional on a postmodern approach of the reform of the federation, Berlin 2005 - in German

The constitutional admission of new legal instruments for the limitation of land use (research report No. 363 01 053, Federal Agency for the Environment, reports), Berlin 2003 (co-authorship with E. Brandt) - in German

Introduction to International Environmental Law - Challenges and approaches of tackling global problems, Tallinn 2003

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